What We Certify:
Η ISOCOM είναι διαπιστευμένη απο το ΕΣΥΔ (Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Διαπίστευσης ) Αρθ. Πιστ. 1223 και βασισμένη στις απαιτήσεις και προδιαγραφές που ορίζονται στο Διεθνές Πρότυπο ISO 17020.
Field of Lifting Machines certified by ISOCOM :
- Forklifts - Clark.
- Crane bridges with a capacity equal to or more than 5 tons
- Crane bridges with a capacity of less than 5 tons.
- Shipbuilding cranes, port service cranes.
- Cranes operating in steel mills, foundries or other installations where hazardous materials are handled, cranes with a capacity equal to or greater than 2 tonnes.
- Cranes operating in steel, foundries or other installations where hazardous materials are handled, cranes with a capacity of less than 2 tons.
- Building tower cranes
- Small construction cranes up to 250 kg (parrot)

- Wall-mounted or mast-mounted cranes with a capacity of 2 tonnes or more.
- Wall or mast cranes with a capacity of less than 2 tons.
- Lifts for which there is a risk of the operator or other worker falling from a vertical height of more than 3 m.
- Construction machinery that are: Cranes, Basket trucks, Cranes-excavators, Crane bridges.
- Elevators for lifting household appliances, catering, aircraft
- Lifts for sick aircraft passengers, work platforms
- Concrete pumps
- Lifting bridges for vehicles over 4 m.
- Lifting bridges for vehicles up to 4 m.
- Vehicle collection cranes
- Manual lifting machines over 100 kg
- Non-motorized lifts
- Hydraulic mechanisms with scissor platforms with a capacity of more than 200 kg
- Work platforms.
- And every other lifting homemade.
Procedure for issuing an Audit Certificate.
In the context of your cooperation with our Agency, we would like to inform you that for your best service you should, after first being informed below about the prerequisites, the planning of the Audit be done three (3) days earlier than the desired date by calling at one of the telephones: 210 2319955, 210 2383249 via e-mail at: isocomgr@gmail.com and have the following at the start of the audit:
- Marketing authorization (if any).
- Clearly and in a conspicuous place a data plate indicating the manufacturer, model, year of manufacture, serial number, nominal lifting capacity and CE marking (if the machine was placed on the market after 31.12.1994).

- Clear and visibly placed lifting diagram.
- Book of maintenance, repairs and inspections.
- Instruction and use book (manual).
- The EC (CE) declaration of conformity of the manufacturer or official dealership (if the machine was placed on the market after 31.12.1994).
- Previous inspection certificate (if any) and AA type certificate. In case there is no previous type AA certificate (you apply for lifting machines that were installed and operated for the first time after 25.02.2004 or were assembled, converted or seriously repaired after 25.02.2004, regardless of the date of first installation and operation, a press check will be performed AA from our Agency.
- Licensed operator available for this machine
- Required load: 110% of the rated capacity of the machine for dynamic tests and 125% for static tests (for type AA and A tests only).
Special cases of lifting machine control: In the case of "portable or portable" lifts, e.g. construction tower cranes, which must first be assembled-installed at the place of operation (eg construction site), the type AA inspection is carried out in two phases, before and after the assembly-installation and a written certificate of a competent engineer is required for static issues regarding the appropriate foundation of the lift. In the case of a crane bridge (excluding pillar crane bridge), a written certificate from a competent engineer is required for static issues regarding the strength of the structure where it is installed.
At the end of the audit you will be informed about the outcome of the audit whether it is successful or about the necessary corrective actions that will be needed to comply with the Legislation and technical regulations. For any complaint or objection that exists for the services offered by our Agency, either during the audit or afterwards, please inform us immediately using the following link: Complaints & Appeals Form, so that the process of examination and resolution can begin.

Regulation of Inspection and Certification of Lifting Machines
Pursuant to the relevant Regulation of Inspection and Certification of Lifting Machines, the following inspections on lifting machines must be carried out by the Certification Body:
- Initial inspection (Type AA)
The initial test (type AA) is performed immediately after the installation of the lifting machine (category Y1). Alternatively it is carried out within a specified period of time after the start of operation of the lifting machine (categories Y2, medium and low). It is also performed on lifting machines that have undergone reassembly, conversion or major repair. It is pointed out that the initial inspection (Type AA) is carried out on lifting machines that were installed and operated for the first time after 25.02.2004. Also in machines that were assembled, converted or underwent serious repair after 25.02.2004, regardless of the date of first installation and operation. For lifting machines manufactured after 1993, an EC Declaration of Conformity and CE marking is required.
- Periodic Inspection of Lifting Machines (Type A or B)
For the periodic inspection (Type A or B), a corresponding initial Type AA inspection must have preceded (according to § 5.2). The customer notifies the body of the prerequisites for the audit (according to § 3). The inspection body shall not perform a Type A or B inspection unless it confirms that the required Type AA inspection has been performed. In case no initial Type AA inspection has ever been performed and regardless of whether there are previous Type A or B certificates, the machine must undergo an initial inspection. An AA Type Certificate is then issued.
- Issuance of a Certificate
In order for a test certificate to be issued, all tests and measurements must have been completed successfully. That is, the corresponding control report must have the indication "ACCEPTABLE" or "ACCEPTABLE WITH OBSERVATIONS" or "NOT APPLICABLE", for all control points.
4. Έλεγχος Εγκυρότητας Πιστοποιητικού
Είμαστε ο μοναδικός Φορέας που δίνει την δυνατότητα ελέγχου on line για διαπίστωση εγκυρότητας των εν ισχύ Πιστοποιητικών του στο link https://isocom.gr/iso/