Nikola Tesla

Reduction of electric shock accidents

Project: Nikola Tesla

Τελειωμό δεν έχει η λίστα με τα ατυχήματα λόγω ηλεκτροπληξίας. Κάθε μήνα χάνουμε δύο συνανθρώπους μας, according to ELSTAT data. It is not possible nowadays for technology to have provided almost all the protective devices and devices and for so many accidents to happen. Seeing this paradox in Isocom, We created a Working Group in February 2020 under the name Nikola Tesla η οποία κατέληξε στις εξής πέντε προτάσεις, προσδοκώντας στην μείωση κατά 90 % των θανατηφόρων ατυχημάτων Ηλεκτροπληξίας.

  • Mandatory installation of 2 relays in a row per terminal line.
  • Placing a sticker on the electrical panel with instructions for checking the proper operation of the current leakage relay and the test date.
  • Automatic notification by e-mail from HEDNO for the re-inspection of the internal electrical installation.
  • Καθιέρωση ημέρας ελέγχου ρελέ διαφυγής ρεύματος δύο φορές ανά έτος (Ημέρα Tesla) την ημέρα αλλαγής της ώρας, με το: ” Άλλαξες την ώρα Έλεγξες το ρελέ ηλεκτροπληξίας ? ”  και ταυτόχρονα,
  • Αποστολή  SMS  απο το 112 της Πολιτικής Προστασίας την Ημέρα Tesla.

The test method is simple.  

We press the button that you are on it and its switch and the power must fall. If the interruption does not happen we have a problem We are unprotected and we have to call an electrician!

In order for these proposals to work, they must be included in our legal framework or even in the EN 385 standard. And saving a life is very important. The expected result is that in our country at least one life per month is saved. 

Together we can contribute to this!
